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Wholesale Fruit, Vegetables & Salads Suppliers
At Fine Food Wholesalers Australia you can search for leading fruit, vegetables and salad wholesalers. Our range of salad and fruit and veg suppliers is being updated regularly with wholesalers who can supply restaurants, food service, delis and convenience stores with all kinds of fresh produce.
Fruitique Wholesale
Fruitique Wholesale has been supplying foodservice operators and food manufacturers with fresh, frozen, pre-prepared and juiced wholesale fruits and vegetables in NSW and beyond for over a decade. You can count on reliable, consistent supply of basic to high-end produce, as required, and outstanding service. With a large network of suppliers, the company can attend to your requirements.
SER!OUS Fruit Bites
SER!OUS Fruit Bites are the newest addition to the SER!OUS range. Combining our signature sweet fruit with creamy chocolate, resulting in a tasty and nutritious bite sized snack, SER!OUS Fruit Bites really are addictive - not that that's a bad thing! Made with vegan, gluten free chocolate to ensure nobody has to miss out on SER!OUS Fruit Bites. Enjoy as a snack or a dessert!
Big Michael's Fruit & Vegetables
Big Michael’s supplies more than 1,000 Southeast Queensland schools, cafes, nursing homes, bars, restaurants, childcare centres and more with quality wholesale fruits and vegetables. A fleet of more than 45 refrigerated trucks services the thousands of customers who depend on Big Michael’s for reliable, consistent supply of quality wholesale fruits and vegetables, both fresh and processed.