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The Kind Coffee Co. Cold Brew Coffee
The Kind Coffee Co. Cold Brew Coffee
New!! Ready to Drink range
What is Cold Brew Coffee?
Cold brew is a healthier, great tasting way to drink your coffee.. The cold brew process reduces the acidity as opposed to the traditional hot method. They filter out the nasty oils that normally give cold coffee its bitterness, resulting in a smooth, great tasting coffee.
Made in Australia, The Kind Coffee Co. Cold Brew is a premium coffee that will blow your customers’ KIND! Based in the Northern Rivers, in New South Wales, the company is dedicated to making only authentic and healthy coffee products. Their beans are meticulously hand-roasted and custom-blended for each recipe to exhibit a distinct and recognisable flavour note.
Give your Customers great coffee on the GO!
New to The Kind Coffee Co range – 250ml coffee cans that are SHELF STABLE, and with a 12 MONTH shelf life. The cans are best enjoyed chilled,but they can be stored on shelf. So treat your customers to a premium Aussie Cold Brew! Be KIND, not BOSSY!
Our OG Cold Brew Concentrate is available in 500ml for retail and 2L bottles for Hospitality.
Ideal for retailers, health food stores, delicatessens, convenience stores, organic produce retailers, market stalls and gift hamper companies. The cans are shelf-stable and can be refrigerated or stocked in an ambient environment. See The Kind Coffee Co.’s website for recipes you can print off and either supply to customers or to make up tasting samples for your customers to try.
Mix up your own cold brew creations with the Cold Brew Concentrate. See the website for some luscious recipes and idea on how you can serve your customers. Instead of setting up your own cold brew station, simply purchase from The Kind Coffee Co. and offer your customers top quality cold brew that they’ll return for time and again. Expand your beverages menu in creative ways. Coffee cocktails, espresso martinis, smoothies and cold shots provide multiple ways to attract your coffee-loving customers to trying something new and exciting. Ideal for bars, cafes, restaurants, juice bars, vegan outlets and mobile coffee vendors.
To enquire further or to place your first order, contact The Kind Coffee Co. today.
More information about The Kind Coffee Co. Cold Brew Coffee
Have you been wanting to offer cold brew but just can’t seem to get around to making it happen? Consumers know it and increasingly love it, so how can you serve it with ease? We spoke with Jules Gardner, one third of The Kind Coffee Co. partnership and found it is infinitely simple, thanks to their organic cold brew coffee product.
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